Learn About Mr. Squeeze & Becky Rickett and The Big Green Egg | Feeding Mr Squeeze
Fun Facts & More About Mr. Squeeze And Becky Rickett and The Big Green Egg | Feeding Mr Squeeze
This was an a-ha, personal project inspired by the COVID-19 lockdown. Needless to say Mr. Squeeze and I had some fun in the backyard! with BigStarProductions.com
Ok, I have to be honest. I really DO NOT like to cook! I’ve been married 30 years and my idea of cooking is doing a pre-cook of 20 pork chops and putting them in the fridge to be eaten as the week rolls on. Occasionally, I would mix it up with a pre-cook of 20 chicken thighs. Mr. Squeeze has never complained. He literally would open the fridge and put a piece of protein on his plate and then open a fresh bag of salad. I would smile, thinking… Ahhh my Mr. Squeeze is having a “healthy meal” and I’m such a good wife! This has been our norm for more years than I care to share.
Well, 2020 the year of COVID hit, and all of a sudden we found ourselves confined to our homes with minimal interaction with those we hold dear, so naturally my creative soul needed to be fed. My normal routine was occasional concerts, bobbing my head to some groovy tunes, and hanging with dear friends. With COVID and more time alone with Mr. Squeeze in the backyard, I found myself getting a tad quiet and open to explore a tentative creative outlet to … well… just be creative.
I put on my mask and covered my hands, face, and eyes, and headed to Ace Hardware, my intent was to find a pretty flower to add a spot of color to our backyard. But then…. as I perused the store my eyes glazed upon THE BIG GREEN EGG! I immediately was intrigued and couldn’t figure out what this BIG contraption was and how it worked. I came home and googled until my eyes and fingers were sore from scrolling. The excitement began to build and I joined 3 Big Green Egg forums to learn more and ask questions. Everyone was so kind and answered anything I tossed their way. I was HOOKED! So of course I went back to ACE on my birthday, my big 54, and purchased the BIG GREEN EGG!. MY WORLD HAS FOREVER CHANGED and now I have embarked on a culinary ride that I don’t anticipate ending anytime soon. Thanks to The Big Green Egg, I am experiencing this new-found passion for cooking! … Imagine the excitement Mr. Squeeze is experiencing!
Since I have never really cooked much more than a pork chop on the stove I realized I needed some help and direction with my big beauty. Needless to say, I have become a Big Green Egg cookbook fanatic! Controlling the temperature is a fun process and knowing when to use indirect heat, roasting, grilling, baking, slow-cooking, or even smoking has my attention. The possibilities are endless. If you can do it in the kitchen, you can do it on The Big Green Egg. From appetizers and entrees to desserts, the Big Green Egg will exceed all of your expectations for culinary perfection.
One thing I have LOVED the most about this ceramic beauty is the EASE! I mean no disrespect, as I’m a lover of everyone… If you know me, you truly know my heart can bubble like a pot of pasta turned up on high at any given moment. The thing I love most is the Big Green Egg is girl-friendly. Please don’t hate on me. I tend not to like to get my hands blackened by charcoal or dirt under my nails from cleaning the ash of a traditional charcoal grill… but with this grill, my mani stays intact!!! Some must-have EGGcessories are the ash pan and the little pokey to clear out the ash.
I feel as if I’m in a cult now and I LOVE it! I love all the EGGcessories that just seem to be a MUST-HAVE for the full-blown experience of being the proud owner of a BIG GREEN EGG!
From the EGGnitor, it’s like a Brazillian blowout for charcoal!, to the EGGGenius which controls your meat from your smartphone or tablet, and yes, it even connects to Alexa, to the EGGspander, meat claws, and more, I’m addicted! and Mr. Squeeze is pleased! After 30 years I feel as if I may have finally embarked on a new culinary passion that has relit the flame to our 30-year love-fest.
Thank you Big Green Egg for the experience and I look forward to cooking many, many more meals with you to share with family and friends.
Shop at Feeding Mr. Squeeze for a wide range of exceptional decor, spices, and accessories to enhance your backyard BBQ experience. Take a look at our selection today to find the perfect piece! BY CLICKING HERE!